As a parish family, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will work to build God's Kingdom by creating opportunities for our parishioners, our community and our visitors, to encounter Jesus in a life-changing way, to set their hearts on fire with His love and to challenge them to become fully engaged disciples.
Community outreach reflects the Catholic responsibility to put our faith into action with works of mission and charity. The works of community outreach offers members of our parish family an opportunity to serve others, to foster the larger community, and to gain insight into our personal spiritual life. The service of community outreach flows from the core of Christian teaching and develops a strong bond with the members of our parish family and the larger community as well.
Through community outreach, the participants discover their strength and callings while exploring the needs of our brothers and sisters within our parish family and of the world at large. If you are interested in Community Outreach, please explore one or more of the ministries below: