As a parish family, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will work to build God's Kingdom by creating opportunities for our parishioners, our community and our visitors, to encounter Jesus in a life-changing way, to set their hearts on fire with His love and to challenge them to become fully engaged disciples.
In 1879, Monsignor Elzear Brochu, a Southbridge pastor in failing health, pledged to St. Anne that if he were to regain his strength, he would propagate her devotion by building a shrine in her honor. He did recover his health, so he purchased the land and had the present St. Anne Church constructed in 1883. He predicted that great wonders would be worked there. St. Anne Church as built in 1883 as a mission of Notre Dame Parish in Southbridge, MA. Simultaneously, another mission was established under the patronage of St. Patrick. Both missions were united in 1887 to form St. Anne and St. Patrick Parish.
On the Sunday following the feast of Saint Anne in July 1887, a parishoner, Mrs. Mary Houde, was partially healed of dropsy as she approached the altar to receive Communion. One year later, on the same Sunday, and in similar circumstances, Mrs. Houde was completely healed.
That afternoon, parishoners gathered at the church and formed the first procession in thanksgiving to God for this favor obtained through the intercession of Saint Anne. WIth that procession, the Shrine was born.
In 1893, an authentic relic of Saint Anne was donated to the Sturbridge Shrine by the Shrine to Saint Anne de Beaupre in Quebec, Canada.
Soon the church was too small to accomodate the crowds which flocked to the Chirch of Saint Anne. Therefore, an outdoor pavilion was constructed and Sunday Masses began to be celebrated outside. A Way of the Cross and shrines to various saints were added and the grounds were embellished for the devotion of the faithful.
In 1955 Bishop Wright of the Diocese of Worcester entrusted the Shrine and Parish to the pastoral care of the Assumptionists.
In 1971 the Assumptionists brough their unique collection of Russian icons to the Shrine. Those holy images are available for public viewing in the museum located within the gift shop.
Since the first healing over 100 years ago, people have continued to come to this holy place seeking solace and peace from God through the intercession of Saint Anne. The devotion and faith of so many Christians have made this Shrine an ideal place to discover and experience the unfailing love of Christ for His people.