As a parish family, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will work to build God's Kingdom by creating opportunities for our parishioners, our community and our visitors, to encounter Jesus in a life-changing way, to set their hearts on fire with His love and to challenge them to become fully engaged disciples.
As the Body of Jesus Christ, we are called by Jesus to minister to one another. We do so with compassion, care and humility, by the grace of God. We seek to encourage others to support our sisters and brothers with our presence and to keep them connected to the life of our parish. It is a privilege for us as members of the Life Care Ministry to serve others.
Our ministry can take many forms:
We are looking for referrals of those who cannot attend Mass because of being homebound or ill. This can be on a short-term or long-term basis. Referrals can be made by relatives, friends, or neighbors.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have and we invite you join our Life Care Ministry to serve others.